Mass media and Politics


Personal research projects
January-August 2014 – Director of the Grant 2014 EU Elections in Bulgaria and Romania, Sofia University ”St. Kliment Ohridski” – University Research Complex ”Alma Mater”, Contract Number FUNK01-1/22.12.2009.

2004 -2005 – Grant Director, National Council for the Scientific Research [CNCSIS] Grant No 117/2004 Mass media and the process of Romania’s integration in the European Union – A journalistic view.

International projects – Member of Romanian team

2019 – Member of the Romanian team wich makes the research project Platform Europe. The project was coordinated by Edoardo Novelli (Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy) and Bengt Johansson (Gothenburg University, Sweden).

2016 – 2017 – Member of the team which made the research project Demokracja bezpośrednia w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej po 1989 roku: wymiar formalnoprawny i praktyczny. Analiza politologiczna (UMO-2014/15/B/HS5/01866). The project is coordinated by Prof. dr hab. Maria Marczewska-Rytko from the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University “Maria Skłodowska-Curie”, Lublin –  and was financed by the National Science Centre  – Poland (Project No. 2014/15/B/HS5/01866)

2014 – 2015 – Member of the Romanian team wich makes the research project European Election Campaign 2014. The project was coordinated by Edoardo Novelli (Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy), Christina Holtz Bacha (University of Mainz) and Kevin Rafter (Dublin City University).

2012- 2014 – Member of the Romanian team which made the research project Media Coverage of the Polish EU Presidency. The project was coordinated by Dr. Agnieszka Stępińska from the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, Poland. The project was co-sponsored by the Polish National Center of Science (grant no. NN 116 614044).



Mass media si procesul de integrare a Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana. Cartea Universitara, Bucharest, 2006, 150 p – ISBN – 973-731-305-4 / 978-973-305-8.

(With Silvia Branea) Jurnalistii romani si provocarile pietei informationale europene. Niculescu, Bucharest, Romania, 2006, 203 p. – ISBN – 973-748-038-4; 978-973-748-038-5.

Books chapters

(With Fox, B). Social Media and Electoral Processes: An Exploration of Facebook Adoption During the 2019 European Parliament Election Campaign in Romania. In Global Perspectives on the Impact of Mass Media on Electoral Processes Edited by Stella Amara Aririguzoh. IGI Global. 2021. ISBN: 9781799848202. pp. 1-17.

Moldova. In The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. Edited by Debra L. Merskin. Sage Pbl. 2019. pp. 1112-115. ISBN: 978-1-4833-7553-3.

Romania. In The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. Edited by Debra L. Merskin. Sage Pbl. 2019, pp. 1493-1498. ISBN: 978-1-4833-7553-3.

Direct democracy in Romania. In Handbook of Direct Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989. Edited by Maria Marczewska-Rytko, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen, Berlin & Toronto, 2018, pp. 224-242. ISBN 978-3-8474-2122-1.

Direct democracy and internet in Romania: Notes from the field. In Digitalization and social transformation. Edited by Dobrinka Peicheva and Valentina Milenkova, South-West University Publishing House, Blagoevgrad, 2017, pp. 286-306, ISBN: 978-954-00-0113-5.

(With Nowak-Teter, E., Branea, S., Fox, B., Merkovity, N., Mihályffy, Z., Deželan, T., and Maksuti, A.). In Search of Common Patterns: Political Advertising in Central and Eastern Europe. In Political Advertising in the 2014 European Parliament Elections. Edited by Christina Holtz-Bacha, Edoardo Novelli, Kevin Rafter, Palgrave, 2017, pp. 135 – 151. ISBN: 978-1-137-56980-6.

Practical aspects of direct democracy in Romania after 1989: Challenges for theory and research. In Forum on studies of society : conference proceedings : Craiova, 2016. Edited by Cristina Ilie Goga, Andreea Mihaela Niţă, Alexandra Porumbescu, Bucharest : Pro Universitaria, 2016, pp. 177-189. ISBN 978-606-26-0710-4.

Democratia directa si mass media in Romania dupa 1989: Aspecte legale si dileme practice. In Interculturalitate, comunicare si mass media. Edited by Ruxandra Coman and Silviu Serban, Ars Docendi, 2016, pp. 31-41, ISBN: 978-073-558-936-3.

(With Madalina Balasescu) The Romanian Press and European Issues: A Content Profile. Chapter in Media and Communication in Europe. Edited by Agniszka Stepinska, Logos Verlag Berlin, 2014, pp. 195-211, ISBN 978 – 3- 8325-3680-0.

Entre réel et virtuel: La communication politique en Roumanie – 2004-2008/2009. Chapter in Les reseaux sociaux sur Internet a l’heure des transitions democratiques. Edited by Sihem Najar, IRMC-Karthala, Paris, 2013, pp. 439-465.- ISBN 9-782811-109769.

Ways of understanding democracy in Romania-A necessary dialogue between sociology and journalism. Chapter in Democratic Thought in the Age of Globalisation. Edited by Marczewska-Rytko, M., University Maria Curie Sklodowska Press, Lublin, Poland, 2012, pp.163-193, ISBN 978-83-7784-141-9.

Challenges of the european information market and Romanian investigative journalism. Chapter in Media in the Enlarged Europe. Edited by Alec Charles, Intellect Publishers Inc. 2009, pp.187-191. ISBN-978-1-84150-998-3.

(With Valentina Pricopie) Information, collective responsibility and involvement in the Romanian building of a European public space. Chapter in Jornalismo e Democracia Representativa – Actas das III Jornadas Internacionais de Jornalismo. Edited by Pinto, R., Jorge, S., Pedro, J., Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto,Portugal, 2008, p.1187-1215. ISBN: 978-989-643-001-6, Deposito Legal: 270075/08.

(With Valentina Pricopie) Les enjeux pratiques et interactionnels du chat présenté par la Délégation de la CE en Roumanie : les questions divisent. Chapter in Enjeux et usages des TIC – reliance sociale et insertion professionnelle. Edited by Patterson, R., ULB – Bruxelles, EUTIC2006 , Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, pp. 363-373.

Mass media and the Integration Process of Romania in the EU. Chapter in IAMCR 2006 Conference Proceedings, Cairo 2006.


Agriculture and populism in Romanian media. The case of EU Campaigns from 2019. French Journal For Media Research. 14/2020. ISSN: 2264-4733.

Direct Democracy in Romania after 1989: Particularities of the Formal-Legal and Practical Aspects. Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, No. 50/ 2016, pp. 66-76. – ISSN: 1584 – 224X.

(With Bianca Mitu) Real or virtual? Political Communication in Romania (2004-2008/2009). Annales Universitatis Maria Slodovska Curie, vol XXI, 1/2014, pp. 111-137.

(With Madalina Balasescu) Between “information” and “entertainment”: Framing the Polish EU presidency in Romanian media. Annales Universitatis Maria Slodovska Curie, vol XX, 1/2013, pp. 199-215, doi: 10. 2478/v10226-012-0031-9.

Investigative Romanian journalism in electoral campaigns: 2000 vs. 2004. Estudos em Comunicação, no 2, December 2007, pp. 311-318. ISBN-1646-4974.

(With Silvia Branea) Jurnalistii si „factorul politic” in anul 2004. Jurnalism si Comunicare – Revista Romana de Stiinte ale Comunicarii, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, no 3 (13)/ 2005, pp. 49-56. ISSN – 1583 – 3976.

Reprezentari ale integrarii europene în campul jurnalistic. Revista Romana de Sociologie, Romanian Academy, no 5-6/2004, pp. 382-399. ISSN-1224-9262.

Integrarea europeana din perspectiva jurnalistilor romani. Jurnalism si Comunicare-Revista Romana de Stiinte ale Comunicarii, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, no 4/2003, pp. 48-59. ISSN-1584-0050.

Papers – Conferences

(With Daniela Frumusani, Bianca Fox, Silvia Branea and Ramona Marinache). Perceptions and attitudes towards AI-generated news: A thematic content analysis of AI and its impact on the craft of journalism as a provider of daily new. Paper presented at the International Conference Transformation of newsrooms with the advent of Artificial Intelligence Journalism, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 13 May 2021.

Retelele de socializare si aspectele etice. Perceptia cazului “Cambridge Analytica” in Romania [Social Networks Sites and ethical aspects. The perceptions of “Cambridge Analytica” case in Romania]. Paper presented at the International Conference The deontology of jurnalists’profession: Exigencies, challenges and slideslips, University of Oradea, Oradea, 17 October 2020.

(With Bianca Fox and Silvia Branea).  European Elections2019: An Analysis of Young Citizens’ Perceptions of European Political Posters. Paper presented at the Mediaflows Conference 2019 European Elections 2019: Populism and Euroscepticism, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 20-22 November 2019.

Direkte Demokratie in Rumänien. The International Conference Sachunmittelbare Demokratie im interdisziplinären und internationalen Kontext 2016/2017, Westeuropa –USA / Mittel – und Osteuropa, Das Deutsche Institut für Sachunmittelbare Demokratie, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 30 November – 2 December 2017.

Direct democracy and Internet in Romania: Notes from the field. The Conference Digitization and Social Transformations in the Globalized World, Department of Sociology, South-West University Blagoevgrad, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, September 29-30, 2016.

Democraţia directă şi mass-media în România după 2006. Aspecte legale şi dileme practice. The Conference Interculturalitate, comunicare si mass media, ”Spiru Haret” University, Faculty of Journalism, Bucharest, Romania, 20 May 2016.

Direct Democracy in Romania after 1989: Particularities of the Formal-Legal and Practical Aspects. The Sixth International Conference After Communism. East and West Under Scrutinity, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Center of Post-Communist Political Studies (CESPOS), Craiova, Romania, 8-9 April, 2016.

Practical aspects of direct democracy in Romania after 1989: Challenges for theory and research. The International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities – Forum on Studies of Society (FSS), University of Craiova-Faculty of Social Sciences, Suleyman Demirel University – Turkey, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin – Poland, Craiova, Romania, 30-31 March 2016.

(With Madalina Balasescu) The Romanian Press and European Issues: A Content Profile. The 3rd Congress of the Polish Communication Association, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 26-28 September 2013.

(With Madalina Balasescu) Between “information” and “entertainment”: Framing the Polish EU presidency in Romanian media. The 2nd Congress of the Polish Communication Association, University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan, Poland, 20-21 September 2012.

Entre réel et virtuel: La communication politique en Roumanie – 2004-2008/2009. Troisième rencontre du programme de recherche de l’IRMC Communication virtuelle par l’Internet et transformations des liens sociaux et des identités en Méditerranée sur le thème: Mouvements sociaux en ligne face aux mutations sociopolitiques et au processus de transition démocratique, Tunis, Tunis, 12-13-14 April 2012.

Mass media and sociology on the edge of politics in Romania. Conference Media Trends: Transformations of media in Slovakia and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe after 1989, Faculty of Media, Bratislava School of Law, Bratislava, Slovakia, 26-27 November 2009.

(With Valentina Pricopie) Information, collective responsibility and involvement in the Romanian building of a European public space. The III Jornadas Internacionais de Jornalismo Jornalismo e Democracia Representativa, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto,Portugal, 14 March 2008.

(With Valentina Pricopie) Du mythe à la réalité de l’image. The Second Biennale Internationale Autour de l’illustration – Penser les images, France, 14-18 November 2006.

(With Valentina Pricopie) Les enjeux pratiques et interactionnels du chat présenté par la Délégation de la CE en Roumanie : les questions divisent. The EUTIC06 Colloque, Bruxelles, Belgium, 14-16 September 2006.

The Map of Media Actors and the Integration Process of Romania in the European Union. The Film and Media Conference Shifting Landscapes: Film and Media in European Context, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-18 July 2006.

Diversité communicationnelle et sociale en Roumanie pendant la Transition. The Second Colloquium Médias et diversité culturelle, Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia, 1-3 June 2006.

A journalistic perspective on Romania’s integration in the European Union. The International Conference Media in the Enlarged Europe: An International Conference on Policy, Industry, Aesthetics & Creativity, University of Luton, Luton, England, 5-6 May 2006.

(With Silvia Branea) Jurnalistii si factorul politic in anul 2004. Conference Mass-media in perioadele electorale, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, March, 2005.