International projects – Member of Romanian team
2007 – 2009 – Member of the international team which makes the research project Sexually explicit imagery in mass media. The project was coordinated by Katharine Sarikakis (Leeds University) and Alison Beale (Simon Fraser University).
2005 – 2006 – Member of the Romanian Team (Together with Camelia Beciu, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy and National School of Political and Administrative Sciences) which made the research project The presentation of the International Day of Women. The project was made at the same time in several countries from Europe and is coordinated by Marlène Coulomb-Gully and Simone Bonnafous (France).
Romanian projects – Member of the team
2016-2017 – Member of the team which makes the research project Migration and violence in the European Space [Institute of Sociology – Romanian Academy]. The project is coordinated by Senior Researcher Ecaterina Balica, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
Contracts of expertise
International – Outside Romania
2003 – Country Evaluator of WINNER II Romania for UNIFEM and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
2009 – Project Prezentarea problematicii homosexuale in presa scrisa centrala din Romania: Mai – Iunie 2009 [The coverage of homosexual issues in Romanian newspapers: May-July 2009] for ACCEPT, Bucharest, Romania.
2006 – Project Reforma pensiilor in Romania si politicile de gen [Pensions reform in Romania and Gender Politics] for Center Partnership for Equality, Bucharest, Romania.
2006 – Project Femei si barbati în organizatii [Women and men in organizations] for Center Partnership for Equality, Bucharest, Romania.
2004 – Project Accesul femeilor pe piata muncii [The access of women in the work market] for Center Partnership for Equality, Bucharest, Romania.
2003 – Project Cresterea participarii femeilor la procesul decizional [Women’s Leadership – Increasing Women’s Participation to the Decision-Making Process] for Center Partnership for Equality, Bucharest, Romania, 2003.
(with Silvia Branea) Exploring Political and Gender Relations – New Digital and Cultural Environments. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 239-256, ISBN: 978-1-4438-99772-7.
(With Dan Podaru) Moda, gen si identitate. Tritonic, Bucurest, 2015, 290p. ISBN: 978-606-749-064-0.
(With Alina Chiriac, Silvia Branea, Cristina Vaileanu) Managementul angajatilor, femei si barbati – Studiu despre opinii si practici din orgnizatii, pentru profesionisti in managementul resurselor umane. C.P.E., Bucharest, 2006, 76 p – ISBN-10 973-0-04501-1.
(With Valentina Pricopie) Accesul femeilor pe piata muncii., 2004, Bucharest, Romania, 95 p – ISBN- 973-86327-4-9.
Muncile casnice în satul romanesc contemporan – Studii de caz. Polirom, Iasi, 2002, 250 p. – ISBN- 973-681-081-X.
Online vs offline in relatia genului cu moda. In Moda, comunicare si tehnologie. Edited by Marinescu, Valentina and Podaru, Dan. Tritonic, 2020. ISBN: 978-606-749-473-0. pp. 9-21.
Architecture as a Feminine Profession and the Feminisation of the Architect Profession in Romania. Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity, 2018, no.22, pp. 237-243, ISSN 2344-4894.
(with Daniela Roventa-Frumusani). Despre principiul egalităţii în muncă între genuri şi feminizarea profesiei de arhitect în România, Arhitectura, Bucharest, Romania, Nr. 2-3/2017.
Les femmes, style et vie de tous les jours: la construction de l’identité de genre par les vlogs de mode. Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity, 2017, no. 2, pp. 15-23, ISSN 2344-4894.
Book chapters
Vestimentatie utilitara – Necesitate si identitate. In Moda, gen si identitate. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Dan Podaru, Tritonic, 2015, pp. 9-31, ISBN: 978-606-749-064-0.
Romanian women and communication practices. In Feminizm. Edited by Maria Marczewska-Rytko, Marcin Pomarański and Dorota Maj, Wydawnictwo Universytetu Marii Curie-Slodowskiej, Lublin, 2015, pp. 379-395, ISBN 978-83-7784-604-9.
Evil invisibility: An analysis of the homophobic discourse in Romanian printed press. Chapter in Gender and Sexuality. Rights, Language and Performativity. Edited by Silvia Antosa, Elisabetta Di Giovanni, Aracne Publishing House, Palermo, Italy, 2012, pp.109-132. ISBN 88-548-4978-5, DOI: 10.4399/97888548497858.
Pornography or eroticism? Blurring sexual images of women in Romanian mass media. Chapter in Género e Culturas Mediáticas / Gender and Media Cultures. Edited by Silveirinha, M. J., Peixinho, A., Santos, C., Mariposa Azual-University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2010, pp. 595-635. ISBN 978-972-8481-18-6.
Obstacles of Woman’s Access at the Work Force Market. Chapter in Sociological Horizons. Edited by Dobrinka Peicheva, Blagoevgrad, South-West University, BON, December 2007.
Communication and Women in Eastern Europe: Challenges in Reshaping the Democratic Sphere. Chapter in Feminist Interventions in International Communication: Minding the Gap. Edited by Lesley R. Shade, Katharine Sarikakis, Rowman and Littlefield Publisers Inc., 2007. ISBN-0-7425-5304-3 / 978-0-7425-5304-0.
Interpretive Biography (pp.47-49), Marriage (pp.54-55), Child (pp. 59-61), Gender gap (pp.72-74), Feminist views on the family (p.109-112), Household (pp. 174-177), Active Interview (pp. 196-198), Household work (pp. 264-267), Double Burden (pp.289-291), Feminist views on Cultural Studies (pp. 365-367). In Lexicon Feminist. Edited by Otilia Dragomir, Mihaela Miroiu, Polirom, 2002, Iasi, Romania. ISBN – 973-683-981-8.
Papers- Conferences
GMMP Women and news in Romania.Twitter analysis. Paper presented at the Conference 30 years of higher education in journalism and communication in Eastern Europe after 1989: From conquering the freedom of expression to embracing digital communication. Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 20-21 May 2021.
Architecture as a Feminine Profession and the Feminization of the Architect Profession in Romania. Paper presented at the 15th edition of the Conference Limbă şi literatură – repere identitare în context european, University of Pitesti, Pitesti, Romania, 15-17 June 2018.
(with Silvia Branea) Sur le besoin d’un nouveau paradigme journalistique dans la couverture médiatique de la violence faite aux femmes. Paper presented at the International Colloqium Les violences faites aux femmes dans les PECO. Tolérance zéro, CEREFREA and University of Bucarest, Romania, 20 October 2017.
Les femmes, style et vie de tous les jours: La construction de l’identité de genre par les vlogs de mode. The 14th edition of the Conference Limbă şi literatură – repere identitare în context european, University of Pitesti, Pitesti, Romania, 16-18 June 2017.
Evil invisibility: An analysis of the homophobic discourse in Romanian printed press. Conference Queer Crossings. Contemporary Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality, The Ethos Department of the University of Palermo, 18-19 June 2010.
Pornography or eroticism? Blurring sexual images of women in Romanian mass media. Conference Gender, media and public sphere, Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal, 22-23 October 2009.
Pornography and mainstream culture, a view from Romania. Conference Porn Cultures: Regulation, Political Economy, and Technology, Leeds University, 14-17 June 2009.
Discursul mediatic homofob în România – o analiză. Conference Mediamorfoze: Presa-relatii publice-publicitate dupa 20 de ani, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 7-8 May 2009.
Popular Journal Papers
Despre principiul „egalitatii” in munca intre genuri – asa cum se “vede” in Romania. AnALize, Bucharest, Romania, no. 1/2002, March 2002, pp. 17-25.
Recitindu-l pe Marx: Muncile casnice in Romania reala. AnALize, Bucharest, Romania, no. 10/2000, January, 2000, pp. 4-11.