Media and violence against women and children


Personal research projects
2006-2007 – Post Doctoral Fellow, CRIV-VIFF – Universite de Montreal, Monteal, Canada (Professor Jacqueline Oxman Martinez).

International projects – Member of the Romanian team
2014 – 2017 – Romanian MC for COST Action IS-1206 – Femicide across Europe.

Romanian projects – Member of the team

2016-2017 – Member of the team which makes the research project Migration and violence in the European Space [Institute of Sociology – Romanian Academy]. The project is coordinated by Senior Researcher Ecaterina Balica, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.

Contracts of expertise

2005 – Expert – Project Mediatizarea actelor de violenta în familie. Ghid de bune practici pentru jurnalisti [The mediatisation of domestic violence. Good practices guide for the journalists] for Centre Partnership for Equality, Bucharest, Romania.
2004 – Expert – Project Mediatizarea violentei în familie. Studiu de caz: Ziarele centrale romanesti [The mediatisation of domestic violence. Case study: Central Romanian Newspapers] for Centre Partnership for Equality, Bucharest, Romania.



Mediatizarea violentei domestice – O analiza comparativa. Ars Docendi Publishing House, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 2009, 215 p – ISBN – 978-973-558-398-4 / 978-973-558-393-4.
(With Simona Stefanescu) Mediatizarea actelor de violenta în familie – Ghid de bune practici pentru jurnalisti. C. P. E., Bucharest, Romania, 2005, 61 p. – ISBN- 973-85204-9-59.
(With Simona Stefanescu) Mediatizarea violentei în familie. Studiu de caz: Ziarele centrale romanesti. Neva, Bucharest, Romania, 2004, 65 p. – ISBN- 973-9035-06-X.

Books chapters

Violence against Children in Romanian Media. In Sociocultural dimensions of childhood. Edited by Petya Bankova, Michelle Janning, Aude Le Guennec,Elya Tsaneva and Violeta Periklieva. Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum BAS, 2020. ISBN 978-619-245-029-8, pp. 267-280.

A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of the Anomic Social Facts: Newspapers’ Discourse in Romania and Canada. In Sociology and Law. The 150th Anniversary of Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). Edited by Serafimova, M., Hunt, St., Marinov, M., Vladov, V., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 216-223. ISBN(13)-978-1-4438-0502-5.
La construction des images des violences faites aux femmes dans les mass media. Une analyse comparative. In Cultures et communication: Regards croisees sur les pratiques. Edited by Beciu, C., Dragan, I., Popescu-Jourdy, D., Riodet, O.,, 2009, Bucharest, pp. 179-187. ISBN-978-973-711-202-6.


(With Ecaterina Balica and Mariana Balica). Was Anastasia Victim of Partner Violence? Media Coverage of Femicide in Romania and Moldova. Journalism Practice, 2020, 1-22. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1799236.

(With Silva Ibrahimi, Ervin Ibrahimi and Eleonora Luciani). Forensic Victimology: A step forward the Psychosocial profile of Victimology. In Forum on studies of society: conference proceedings: second edition: Chieti, Pescara, 2018. Edited by Cristina Ilie Goga, Alexandra Porumbescu, Ionuţ Virgil Şerban, Pro Universitaria, Bucuresti, 2018, pp. 11-20, ISBN 978-606-26-1012-8.

Violence against children in Romanian media. Analele Universitatii Spiru Haret – Seria Jurnalism/Annales of Spiru Haret University – Journalism Studies, 2018, 19(1), pp. 10-20. ISSN: 1454-9492.

(With Jaqueline Oxman Martinez) Shade of Violence: The Media Role. Women’s Studies, International Forum, vol 32,/3, 32-2009, Elsevier. pp. 296-304. ISSN: 0277-5395.

Media coverage of grassroots violence against women: A comparative analysis for Romania and Canada. Brazilian Journalism Research, vol. 4, Nr. 1, 2008, pp. 140-158. ISBN- 1808-4079.

Media and Gendered Violence in Canada and Romania. Gender and Media Diversity Journal. 4, 2008, pp. 161-167. ISBN: 978-0-620-40953-7.

Kadina ve Cocuga Uygulanan Siddetin Meyaya Yansimasi: Romania’ daki Merkezi Gazetelu. Kadin Calimaru Dergisi, Vol. 2/No. 4, October 2007, pp. 20-32. ISSN-1306-5785.

O lectura sociologica a mediatizarii violentei in familie. Jurnalism si Comunicare – Revista Romana de Stiinte ale Comunicarii, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 2 (11)/ 2005, pp. 19-29. ISSN – 1583 – 3976.

Papers – Conferences

(With Simona Rodat and Ramona Marinache) The place of lethal violence in the future. A perspective from the sociology of the future. Paper presented at the International Conference Homicide and Genocide. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Lethal Violence, organised by the Institute of Sociology and Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Bucharest, Romania, 23, 28 and 29 July 2020.

Mediatizarea violentei impotriva copiilor in Romania: elemente pentru un posibil ghid destinat jurnalistilor [Media coverage of violence against children in Romania: Elements for a possible journalists’ guide]. Paper presented at the international workshop  Violenta, criminalitate si siguranta personala in mediul urban, organised by the Instutute of Sociology and Romanian Criminological Society, Bucharest, Romania, 1 November 2019.

The mediatisation of violence in Romanian media – The case of VAC. Paper presented at the International Seminar Towards the development of the mediatization research, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 10 December 2017.

Bringing the Public Health Perspective on Violence Against Children – The need for a mixed approach on framing. Paper presented at the 2nd edition of Social Work International Conference (SWIC) 2017, Faculty of Sociology and Social Wok, University of Bucharest, 2-3 November 2017.

(with Silvia Branea) Sur le besoin d’un nouveau paradigme journalistique dans la couverture médiatique de la violence faite aux femmes. Paper presented at the International Colloqium Les violences faites aux femmes dans les PECO. Tolérance zéro, CEREFREA and University of Bucarest, Romania, 20 October 2017.

Re-constructing violence against children in Romanian media: Between social frames and health arguments. Paper presented at the 2nd edition of the International Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases (ICONiC), University of Public Health, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, 22-24 May 2017.

Framing the femicide in Romanian newspapers – A longitudinal analysis. The International Conference Social sciences and the contemporary challenges. 20 years of teaching sociology at the University of Oradea, Faculty of Social-Humanistic Sciences – University of Oradea, International Sociological Association, Romanian Sociological Association, Romanian Sociological Society, Oradea, Romania, 9-10 June 2016.

Reconstructing homicide in Romanian newspapers: 2006 versus 2014. International Workshop: Homicide: Incidence, Risks Factors and Prevention, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, 24-25 September 2015.

Constructia imaginilor violentei impotriva femeilor prin mass media: O analiza comparativa. The 15th French-Romanian Colloquim: Comunicarea culturii, cultura comunicarii, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 26-29 June 2008.

A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of the Anomic Social Facts: Newspapers’ Discourse in Romania and Canada. Conference Sociology and Law. The 150th Anniversary of Emile Durkheim, Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Law and History of the South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 29-31 May 2008.

(With Jaqueline Oxman Martinez) Shade of Violence: The Media Role. IAMCR Congress, Paris, July 2007.