Migration, diaspora and communication


Personal projects
2008 (September-November) – Visiting Fellow, Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Romanian projects – Member of the team

2016-2017 – Member of the team which makes the research project Migration and violence in the European Space [Institute of Sociology – Romanian Academy]. The project is coordinated by Senior Researcher Ecaterina Balica, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.

2008-2011 – Member of the team which makes the research project The Romanian diasporic public and the public space in Romania, National Council for the Scientific Research [CNCSIS]. The project was coordinated by Professor Camelia Beciu, National School of Political and Administrative Sciences, Bucharest, Romania.


Book chapters

(With Ecaterina Balica). New media clues and old journalistic habits: Representing the refugees in Romanian media. Journalism. (2018). doi:1464884918810038.

(With Ramona Marinache). Victims or Aggresors? Framing Romanian Migrants and Crime in Two British Newspapers. In Migration and Crime. Realities and Media Representations. Edited by Balica Ecaterina and Marinescu Valentina, Palgrave, 2018, pp. 195-211. ISBN 978-3-319-95812-5.

(With Ecaterina Balica). Changing Image of Migrants and Crime in Romanian Mass Media. In In Migration and Crime. Realities and Media Representations. Edited by Balica Ecaterina and Marinescu Valentina, Palgrave, 2018, pp. 213-233. ISBN 978-3-319-95812-5.

Imagini ale exotismului: re-constructii ale Marocului in Romania [Images of exotism : Re-construction of Maroc in Romania]. In Societatea contemporana, intre comunicarea artefactuala si stil [Contemporary society, between artefactual communication and style]. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Dan Podaru, Tritonic, 2017, pp. 7-44, ISBN: 978-606-749-243-9.

Framing the (I)migrant-The case of Romanian migrants images in Romanian media. III Seminário Internacional Media, Jornalismo e Democracia:“Media, Jornalismo e Democracia, 2010”, 2010.

La communication transnationale et l’Internet – Le cas de la diaspora roumaine. Association des Sociologues de Langue Française (AISLF), Namur, 2010.

Communication and migrants in Europe : the case of Romanian migrants images in Romanian media. In Models of, Models for Journalism and Communcation. Edited by Mihai Coman, Ars Docendi, 2010, Bucharest, pp. 214-230. ISBN-978-973-558-515-0.


(With Ecaterina Balica). Refugees in Europe: Romanian online media coverage of the refugee’s crisis. Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, 2017, no. 1/2019, pp. 45-58, ISSN:  2457-6158.

(With Ecaterina Balica). New media clues and old journalistic habits: Representing the refugees in Romanian media. Journalism. (2018). doi:1464884918810038.

(With Ecaterina Balica). Representing the migrants and refugees as others in Romanian online media. In Synergies in Communication. Edited by Marina Militaru (coordinator), Raluca Nicolae, Dana radler, Iulia Rascanu, Roxana Marinescu, Raluca Hurduzeu, Lora Constantinescu, Antonia Enache, Editura ASE, 2017. ISSN 2284 – 6654, ISSN-L 2284-6654.

Diasporic gender and communication. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, Volume 2, Number 1(20), 9 May 2012 , pp. 61-80. ISSN: 17572681

Communication and migrants in Europe: The case of Romanian migrants images in Romanian media. Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare, 4. (V)/ 2010, pp. 15-27. ISSN – 1842-256X.

Papers – Conferences

(With Silva Ibrahimi and Erwin Ibrahimi)  Emotional Intelligence as a coping mechanism in the treatment protocol of SARS-Covid 19 for emigrant vulnerable communities. Paper presented at the Third edition of the Forum on Studies of Society (FSS) – International Conference on Social and Humanistic Sciences, Università degli Studi di Enna ”Kore”, Enna, Italy, Study Programs: Social Work and Criminological Sciences and University of Craiova, Romania, Study Programs: Sociology and Social Work, Romania, 21 November, 2020.

(With Ecaterina Balica). Representing the migrants and refugees as “others” in Romanian online media. The 6th International Conference Synergies in Communication, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, The Faculty of International Business and Economics, The Department of Modern Languages and Business Communication of AS, Bucharest, Romania, 16 – 17 November 2017.

The perception of Morocco in Romania and Moldavia between direct knowledge and media reconstruction. The 5th International Conference on Media Freedom”Communication and freedom: the challenge of perceptions, Centre d’Etudes et des Recherches en Sciences Sociales, Rabat, Maroc, July 15-16, 2016.

Changements de l’image des migrants roumains dans l’Union Européenne – une analyse longitudinale (2009-2014). The International Conference Migrations et mobilités: tendances, stratégies migratoires et impacts, Faculty of Geography – University of Suceava, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Suceava, Romania,  27-28 May 2016.

(with Ramona Marinache) Victims or aggressors ? Framing the Romanian migrants and crime in two British newspaper. The International Conference Migration and Crime: Challenges for the European Space,  the Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work – University of Bucharest, Romanian Society of Criminology and Forensics, Bucharest, Romania, 14 -15 April 2016.

La communication transnationale et l’Internet – Le cas de la diaspora roumaine. Troisièmes Journées d’études – Sciences, innovation technologique et société, l’Association des Sociologues de Langue Française (AISLF), Namur, Belgium, 19-21 May 2010.

Representing ourselves as “others”: The case of Romanian migrants images in Romanian media. The Conference Representation Now: The Sum of It All, Saint Louis University – Madrid, Spain, 16-17 April 2010.

Between “home(lands)”: Women’s diasporic identities and communication. ECREA Conference (Diaspora, Migration and Media Section): Crising Boudaries; New Directions, Uttrecht University and Nottingham Trent University, Uttrecht, Holland, 6-7 November 2009.

Identities, “homeland” and communication – The Romanian case. The Conference Media and Culture-Searching for Black Diamond, Turkish Cultural Studies Association, Turkish, 2-4 July 2009.

Communication and migrants in Europe: The case of Romanian migrants images in Romanian media. The Conference Change in progress: Models of/Models for Journalism and Communication, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 19-21 November 2009.

La communication transnationale et l’identité de genre des Roumains de la diaspora – Le cas de la diaspora roumaine du Canada, EUPRERA 2009 Congress Corporate Citizens of the third millenium – Towards a shared European perspective, University of Bucharest and EUPRERA, Bucharest, Romania, 23-26 September 2009.

Comunicarea transnationala si identitatea de gen. The 16th French-Romanian Colloqium Frontières, communautés, medias, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 11-13 June 2009.

Identitati diasporice si comunicarea. Conference Mass media, comunicare si comunitate, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 23 May 2008.

Comunicare si identitati trans-nationale. Conference Comunicarea crizei – crizele comunicarii, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 8-9 May 2009.